Help Orphans Worldwide2023-05-18T12:25:33-04:00

Help Orphans Worldwide

Help Orphans Worldwide

St. Francis

The Franciscans sponsor orphanages worldwide. According to a recent UNICEF report, there are approximately 140-200 million orphans in the world today. That statistic is staggering, considering the resources many of us have at our disposal.

Help Orphans Worldwide

Why Help

Every child deserves to have a family. Every child deserves to have a home. Things like quality nutrition, medical care, and education shouldn’t be luxuries for children. They are essentials that every child deserves to have. 

How to Help

In the name of Jesus Christ and in the spirit of St. Francis, we provide care and comfort to the children in need. Please consider a gift to help orphans worldwide. Your donation helps orphanages sponsored by the Franciscans.

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