In the heart of the mountainous region of La Libertad, Negros Oriental, students wanting a high school education faced daunting challenges. Students had to travel two hours down the mountain to attend school, a journey often blocked by the rainy season. Financial hardships compounded by meager farming incomes and difficult terrain made high school education seem unattainable. 

At St. Francis Mission School, under the compassionate guidance of Fr. Royce Trinidad, OFM, these deserving students are offered not just an education, but a chance to transform their lives.

The school provides a comprehensive scholarship that covers tuition, meals, lodging, and a small allowance, asking in return that students contribute to the community through tasks like cleaning and gardening. It emphasizes personal and human development, helping students harness their talents—and most importantly, ensuring that financial barriers do not eclipse their potential.  

Last year, Fr. Royce requested funds to support eight students, but when they received 5 additional requests, they knew they had to find creative solutions to accept all 12. And so now, a year later, these 12 students are expressing profound gratitude.

One shares, “Receiving this scholarship means more to me than words can express. Your generosity has inspired me to work harder, dream bigger, and strive for excellence in everything I do. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.” 

Another adds, “The support you provide to students like me is invaluable and I am honored to be among the recipients. I committed to making the most of this opportunity and achieving my academic goals.”

Others convey similar sentiments, sharing: “Your kindness and support have made a significant difference in my life and I am forever grateful.”  “Thank you for believing in me, and for providing me with the resources to pursue my education.” 

Fr. Royce says “We are looking forward to continuing the project for the next school year as many more students are also interested in becoming scholarship recipients.”