In partnership with Christ the King College, the Franciscan Friars led by Fr. Prisco A. Cajes, OFM, embarked on a mission to uplift the communities of Brgy. Tapa-e and Barangay Progress on Biri Island, Philippines. Their focus was to provide essential services and foster community spirit.  

The outreach featured four pivotal stations—legal awareness, beauty services, I-tera Care Therapy, and children’s games—each a beacon of hope and support for the attendees. A community-prepared lunch brought everyone together in fellowship, while a gift-giving ceremony and performances by local students sparked joy among the attendees.  

About 150 beneficiaries, mostly women and children, received various essentials including medicine kits, school supplies, first-aid kits, rice, and vitamins. A significant addition was a flat-screen TV for the local school, which will enhance educational resources.   

The outreach was a resounding success, providing not only immediate aid but strengthening the bonds of community and collaboration. 

Fr. Prisco A. Cajes reflected on the mission, saying, “God is good all the time!”  and expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to serve the community.