May God’s peace be with you!
My greeting comes to you not only from me, but from over 5,000 Franciscan missionaries in over 600 missions around the world! Each day we pray for you and for all who are dear to you. It is the best gift we can offer in gratitude for the sacrifices you make on our behalf.
Through your prayers and faithful generosity, children are educated and formed in the faith, the elderly are visited, the dying are comforted, the poor are given hope and solace, and the faith of many people is enriched.

I want to offer you just a glimpse of the reach and impact of your generosity.
Your kindness has a lasting impact around the world:
- In Ukraine, refugees received food, water, and medicine amidst the devastation of war.
- Our friars are educating children and helping them break the cycle of poverty in India.
- People suffering from malaria, tuberculosis, and leprosy are receiving treatment in Guinea-Bissau, West Africa, and other clinics in developing countries around the world.
- In Jamaica, India, and Mozambique, the poor are provided with safe, secure homes.
- We provided emergency assistance to earthquake victims in Acapulco, Mexico, and flood victims in India.

In gratitude for all you have done for us.
In gratitude for all you have done for us, we want to offer you the opportunity to have Masses celebrated by our missionary priests for your special intentions.
Many of our Franciscan missionary priests use Mass stipends to buy food, fuel, and medicine. These stipends provide the financial means to live and serve the poor in dangerous and faraway places such as Pakistan, Syria, Vietnam, and Lebanon.
You can request for a Mass or a series of Masses to be offered for your intentions.

I pray my grateful words can carry to you some measure of the great good you have made possible through your prayers and generous support. Your gifts help us deliver hope to people who live in poverty around the world.
Gratefully yours,
Brother Andrew Brophy, OFM
Executive Director