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Breaking the cycle of poverty for the children of Chennai’s slums

Sriram just turned four and is proud of himself. He can count to 50 without using any fingers and easily recites the ABCs in English.

Harkaran is not quite four years old, knows his ABCs, and can even read and write the basic letters of the Tamil language of India where he lives.

What might surprise you is to hear these two little boys explain excitedly how important it is to bathe every day. As you probably know, most boys dread bath time but will not think twice about jumping into puddles of mud!

These two youngsters will also remind you to always wash your hands before eating. Maybe that is because the meals they get at our Nesakkaram preschool are often the only food they will get all day. Washing hands does not seem so bad if it means getting something to fill your growling, empty stomach!

Sriram and Harkaran are “untouchables” from the slums of India and are considered the lowest of the low castes.

Yes, even today, such oppression still exists! These people live in miserable, dirty conditions on the fringes of society. Many survive by begging and scavenging. Others also work as day laborers for mere pennies because there is no other choice.

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You Give Us The Ability to Bring Real Change

With your help, our Franciscan friars in Chennai, India, are bringing hope where often there is very little. Sriram and Harkaran are just two beautiful examples of how your love and generosity are breaking the cycle of poverty and deep despair among the Dalit people of India.

The boys hope you might give so they can continue their education. If they can learn to read and write and even do simple math, they know they will have a chance for a better life.

That is why I am writing to you today. I want you to see what happens when you share your blessings with our Franciscan missionaries. You give us the ability to bring real change and lift up God’s precious little ones like Sriram and Harkaran.

Fr. Anthony’s Wish

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Thank you for giving them that one sliver of a chance at hope by sharing what you can to support our Franciscan friars!

Father Antony Pushparaj, OFM urgently needs $8,293 to keep our preschool operating for another year. This amount pays for the teacher, the assistant teacher, the cook, and all the food and materials to operate the school all year for 35 students. It only costs $19.75to feed and educate a child for an entire month!

He also wants to make critical repairs to our preschool in Chennai. Recent flooding caused serious structural damage to our aging school building that has seen better days. Fr. Antony worries for the safety and security of the children in his care! He asked for an additional$7,115 to make the necessary repairs to the school.

Fr. Antony also wants to create a wellness center to empower and uplift the entire Dalit community. In addition to addressing immediate medical needs, it will focus on preventive care and health education. The center will also offer a variety of skill development programs, vocational training, and counseling. It will only cost $4,808 to build and staff this wellness center for one year!

You Can Change Their Lives

Please share what you can today to help Fr. Antony. This work will address not only the educational needs of children like Sriram and Harkaran, but also the broader social, economic, and psychological challenges facing the Dalit people.

Yes, you can indeed touch the “untouchables” of India! Please extend your hand to them with love and compassion in the spirit of our dear Saint Francis.

Use your faith in God and the power of your heart to lift them up and make a very real life-and-death difference for these children!

Think about Sriram, Harkaran, and the many other children from the slums of India and how easily you can change their lives.

Remember, every $19.75 you share will feed and educate a preschool child for a month! Just a few dollars more will help repair their school and develop a wellness center for the Dalit community!

Your blessings will bring real hope and joy

I pray you will answer God’s call today and stand on the side of compassion and generosity. Your blessings will bring real hope and joy to the Dalit people of India.

In my heart, I know you believe there is no such thing as an “untouchable” person. Could you go through life knowing you must always remain marginalized, unseen, not valued and respected, and with absolutely no hope for a future?

Imagine being Sriram or Harkaran

With a very grateful heart,

Brother Andrew Brophy, OFM Executive Director

P.S. I come begging with nothing to offer you in return for your generosity other than my most fervent prayers. Allow me and my fellow Franciscan friars to pray for your needs and intentions. Just send them to me along with any gift you can share today on behalf of the “untouchables” of India. Thank You!