DonarSelect “[24A8FM] Following in the Footsteps of St. Francis

Will you help us with a gift of hope?

Franciscan Friar Pynsuk, OFM of the Province of Saint Thomas the Apostle in India has responded, “Here I am, Lord, take me!”

Thanks to your prayers and generosity, Friar Pynsuk is studying for the priesthood. He is in his 3rd year of philosophy and is working for Christ as a young friar.

As a child, he was raised by a single mother who was the sole provider for her four children. As a devout Catholic family, they said daily prayers in their mother tongue, Khasi, and they recited the Rosary every evening. Every morning, Pynsuk’s mother woke the children up early to walk about 3 miles to their parish church to attend Mass.

During that time in his life, Pynsuk attended many parish retreats and seminars for children, and he was very active in the choir and music ministry. It was at this time that he felt Christ’s initial call to follow him and serve the Church.

Friar Pynsuk’s Franciscan Journey

Friar Pynsuk joined the Franciscan Order in 2019. He was attracted to the Franciscan understanding of our faith; the Franciscan challenge of humility and simplicity; and the Franciscan ministry with the poor.

As a student of philosophy, he sings and plays the guitar or piano during daily Mass. Apart from his studies, he is involved in some other ministries. For example, he volunteers to serve the residents living in a home for the aged. He cleans the floors, bathrooms, and other areas of the home, carries firewood, and does other tasks needed.

Pynsuk is extremely happy as a simple professed Franciscan friar. He is very grateful to God for the precious gift of his vocation. He finds joy in being a Franciscan!

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Many more young men are ready to follow the Franciscan life

Friar Pynsuk is just one example of many young men around the world who are answering Jesus’s call to follow him. Pynsuk is also very grateful to the benefactors who support his formation, because without them, he would not be able to dedicate his life in service to Christ and the Church as a Franciscan missionary friar.

The Franciscan Order has over 2,000 young, energetic, joy-filled men who are ready to let go of everything and embrace the way of life proposed by Saint Francis of Assisi. Many come from poor, developing areas of our world where their Franciscan presence is needed.

I have read many testimonials from men who have joined our order and are being formed and educated to follow in the footsteps of St. Francis. They all share the same joy that is found in living a life of humility, simplicity, and service to the poor.

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These men are a gift of hope and new life for the Church

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Muchos provinciales me han escrito pidiendo ayuda financiera para cubrir los costos básicos de mantener a los jóvenes frailes que están estudiando para ser sacerdotes o para servir como hermanos franciscanos.

Unless they receive major outside assistance, they will not be able to meet the costs for the spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral formation of these young men, and many may be turned away.

En promedio, educar y formar a un joven seminarista franciscano para que sirva como sacerdote misionero cuesta alrededor de $4.000 por año. Este es un gran valor. En los Estados Unidos, ¡puede costar hasta $50.000 por un año de educación en el seminario!

Nuestros seminaristas franciscanos se esfuerzan por ser testigos fieles y santos de Jesucristo. ¿Caminarás con ellos por este difícil camino mientras siguen a Cristo?

¿Ves por qué la bendición de más de 2.000 jóvenes en formación nos presenta una pesada carga financiera? Pero junto a vosotros podemos llevarlo con alegría y agradecimiento.

Le escribo a un grupo muy selecto de amigos franciscanos. Les pido que consideren hacer un sacrificio significativo hoy para que nuestra Iglesia pueda tener sacerdotes jóvenes buenos, santos y saludables en los años venideros.

¡Puedes ayudar a preparar a un joven para dedicar su vida a servir a Dios y a los pobres como franciscano! Estos hombres son un don de esperanza y de vida nueva para la Iglesia. El toque sanador de Jesús vivirá a través de su trabajo con los pobres durante muchos años.

Your gift will help a grateful servant of God

DonarSelect [24A8FM] Following in the Footsteps of St. Francis

You have been so generous in the past. Please help again. A gift of $4,000 to pay for one year of seminary training would be a miracle! And every such miracle would be rewarded with the sponsorship of an individual seminarian.

You will receive the name of the seminarian you are sponsoring, his level of formation, and a simple update on his progress during the formation school year. You will have the option of supporting the same seminarian until he completes his studies. You will help a grateful servant of God who will give his entire life to serving the poor.

Would you be able to give a special gift of $1,000? We have a Legacy Book that contains the names of people who make that gift to help prepare Franciscan missionaries. It is in our Franciscan Missions Chapel to remind our friars and seminarians to pray for the people whose generosity supports them.

¡Cualquier regalo que hagas será muy apreciado!

Your life of charity and caring for others is a sure sign that you, like Friar Pynsuk and St. Francis, are bearing witness to the voice of Jesus through your words and deeds!

Gracias por su generoso apoyo.

Doy gracias a Dios por ti, y te agradezco de todo corazón.

Tuyo en Cristo

Hermano Andrew Brophy, OFM

Director ejecutivo

PD: Por favor, sean generosos en su apoyo a nuestros estudiantes franciscanos en formación. ¡Cualquier regalo que puedas enviar sería de gran ayuda! Les aseguro que nuestros sacerdotes, hermanos y seminaristas franciscanos están agradecidos por su apoyo en oración y lo recuerdan en sus misas y oraciones diarias.